The iron cooking fork is Eastern Pennsylvania. Measuring 17″ in overall length, it retains its original form and decorative motifs. The forged hook for hanging is still in perfect original condition. It displays a nice patina while still showing off its original iron surface.
The spatula is a nicely forged Pennsylvania piece also, and measures 16 5/8″ long. While being a few years later than the cooking fork, it’s still an early 1800’s utensil. The spatula shows signs of use on the front edge, as you would expect from a well-used piece. This one also retains its delicately forged hook which so many times get broke and are lost. It displays great original patina while still showing the original iron surface.
The price is $80 for the pair, or available individually, $45 for the Fork and $35 for the Spatula.
Early 1800's Iron Cooking Fork and Spatula SOLD
Price: $80.00